Shearing Family Homepage
Family Photos
Click here to see our photo album with old and current photographs.
Click here to see outing to Musee des Beaux Arts (2009).
Family Memories
Read a love story, how Margaret Marchand Shearing and James Shearing met.
Family news and history needed! Recollections, family doings, etc.
James & Margaret Shearing at their wedding, Feb. 22, 1941
Why not visit these home pages?
We have a family-only Yahoo Group. For info, email Frances.
Frances & Richard's page
Philip's blog
Jeremy Brendan - my life as a reptile
My dad's cousins, the Spraggett family, have their own homepage AND their own domain name. This inspired me to get started too!
Last updated May 2009.
If you wish to contact me, please write to Frances at her Gmail account or use the Guestbook:
Please use the Guestbook.

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